Seedy Sedgewick

Art from a girl.

Category: Uncategorized

Art Against Hierarchy

Art Against Hierarchy

Facebook event page for Art Against Hierarchy, a community show April 12. I have a piece in! Go see it!


“Julie Krakowski is a designer creating conceptual textiles. Take Coffee and Cigarettes I – a series of textiles based on the marks typically left on linens by everyday life, such as cigarette burns, and food stains. Each mark is painstakingly embroidered into the linen. This series seeks to ‘accentuate the importance of the random and […]

“Vital” by Grouper

“Vital” by Grouper

This song has been informing all my art this semester.

What the heck is going on with my blog?

I thought that I had posted that last post on Monday.  Nope. THANKS WORDPRESS.  And my pictures wouldn’t upload… Maybe my internet connection is too darn slow? UGHHHHHHHH ART PEOPLE PROBLEMSSSSS.

That’s the way the paper crumples

What a wretched weekend I had! Sometimes my body just really hates me.

But anyway! Paper assignment! We had to crumple paper and looooook at it.

So here’s what I learned:

  • I’m really interested in negative space, almost more than I am in positive space sometimes.
  • I loved drawing the paper as a series of geometric faces, probably because I have a serious obsession with crystals and crystalline structures. They’re just so cool!
  • I like using ink, drawing in black and white, and using a very contrast-y style (but I already knew that). Creating a lot of variation in tone is pretty boring to me, and I don’t usually like the result of using a lot of shading. So I’m just going to assume that all my art professors are going to make me draw things in vine charcoal this semester (/joke).

For some reason my computer won’t upload any of my pictures, so…I’ll get back to this.

Also. I hate sculpy (sp?) I think it has to do with my hatred of Play-D0h that extends to any Play-Doh-like substances. I find touching it pretty revolting. What interests me about it is the weird white traces it leaves behind. I’d like to play with it on a large piece of black paper… For the assignment, I played with it, smooshing it and flattening it, then turning those flat shapes to rounded ones. Finally I ended up with a cup-like shape, and decided to use sculpy to re-create the negative space from the first piece. Again, my computer is no cooperating, so there are no pictures at this moment. Boo.

Another video on Theo Jansen

Another video on Theo Jansen

Oda a la Mesa (Ode to the Table) by Pablo Neruda

I work out my odes
on a four-legged table
laying before me bread and wine
and roast meat
(that black boat
of our dreams)
Sometimes I set out scissors, cups and nails,
hammers and carnations.

Tables are trustworthy:
titanic quadrupeds
they sustain
our hopes and our daily life.

The rich man’s table,
scrolled and shining
a fabulous ship
bearing bunches of fruit.
Gluttony’s table is a wonder
piled high with Gothic lobsters
and there is also a lonesome
table in our aunt’s dining room,
in summer. They’ve closed
the curtains,
and a single ray of summer light
strikes like a sword
upon this table sitting in the dark
and greets the plums’ transparent peace.
And there is a faraway table, a humble table,
where they’re weaving
a wreath
a dead miner.
That table gives off the chilling odor
of a man’s wasted pain.
There’s a table
in a shadowy room nearby
that love sets ablaze with its flames.
A woman’s glove was left behind there,
trembling like a husk of fire.

The world is a table
engulfed in honey and smoke
smothered by apples and blood.
The table is already set,
and we know the truth
as soon as we are called:
whether we’re called to war or to dinner
we will have to choose sides,
have to know
how we’ll dress
to sit
at the long table,
whether we’ll wear the pants of hate
or the shirt of love, freshly laundered.
It’s time to decide,
they’re calling:
boys and girls,
let’s eat!

Link roundup: things to look at,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=92ede2bc65e3e3dd&biw=1402&bih=960,r:1,s:0,i:139&tx=71&ty=54

Wrap Artist

The Thing’s the Plays: Public Theater’s New Shakespeare Machine

Auto-Destructive Tendencies


An article on this artist:


At the Cleveland Museum of Art.